Monday, April 9, 2007

Finding Your Yellow Brick Road

My creation
Originally uploaded by Softballcrazy.

Almost everyone loves the movie "The Wizard of Oz." I loved it as a child, but I appreciate it more as an adult. Just like Dorothy had to travel down her yellow brick road, make new friends, and deal with obstacles that would stop her from reaching her desired destination, we all have to travel down our own yellow brick road to reach our full potential.

The first challenge in this journey is finding YOUR yellow brick road. There are many roads to chose from and all will take you a different direction and land you at a different destination. Traveling down the wrong path will result in wasted time, disappointment, lack of fulfillment, and never reaching your full potential. The problem is compounded because every decision made on the wrong path will result in getting further and further away from your intended destination. But, traveling down the right path will bring excitement, fulfillment, achievement, joy and a life-well-lived.

Everyone has a special calling on their life and a unique path to follow. No one can successfully travel down someone else's path and expect success. You have to find your own path.

So, how do you find your yellow brick road? You find it by looking inward to get to know yourself. In the words of Shakespeare, "To thine own self be true." Get to know what you like and what you don't like. Try different things and find out what you are good at doing and what you stink at doing. Discover what comes naturally to you and what natural talents you have. Identify those things that give you energy instead of draining you. Find the things that make you feel fulfilled.

Once you have identified some of the things that jazz you, begin to align those things with other priorities you have in your life and start developing a life plan. The old saying, "Failure to plan is a plan to fail" is true. Don't make the mistake of living your life without a plan -- or a pathway. You wouldn't think of taking a trip to a new place without a map. Why would you live your life that way?

Rome wasn't build in a day, so remember it will take time to create your plan and maximize your talents. In fact, it will take a lifetime .... but if you are on the right path, you will enjoy every step of the journey. -- Keep shining!

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